I’ll begin this by saying that I’ve been in an intensely hot furnace for the past five months.  Even so, I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything because God has strengthened my faith, shown me hard things about myself, redeemed suffering and lifted me to a new place of praise and thanksgiving.

I’m about to share some of what I’ve been learning.  Something I will more deeply understand as I become one with the Father even as Jesus is one with the Father.  John 17:20-26.  As I learn to “love another” as He loves me.  John 13:34,35

Isaiah 53 has taken on deeper meaning for me.

The promise.

Isaiah 52:13 “My servant will achieve success, He will be raised to honor, high and exalted.”

That’s His Word.  It is certain.  Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father, high and exalted.  And I am seated with Him in heavenly places.

The challenge

Let’s face it, I’m unremarkable in the estimation of the world, sometimes pitied because I believe that Jesus is “the Way, the Truth and the Life” and misunderstood when I refuse to stand up for myself.                                                Isaiah 53:2,3,7

I enter into the experience of Jesus (Isaiah 53:4 “It was our afflictions He was bearing, our pain He endured” )  when I  “bear another’s burdens” (Galations 6:2), which can include being targeted by their misplaced pain and guilt.  Isaiah 53:4,6,11,12.

I’ve learned that physical and/or emotional pain and guilt often cause people to speak accusatory, sarcastic, contemptuous, contentious, demeaning or dismissively hurtful words.  The natural reaction is to retaliate in kind or seek to justify oneself.  Jesus did neither.  I’m to do neither                                                                                                                Isaiah 53:5,7-9,11,12  

This instruction is for me, “Let no offensive talk pass your lips, only what is good and helpful to the occasion, so that it brings a blessing to those who hear it.”  Ephesians 4:29. 

I’m continuing to learn that attempts at self-justification or insistance on being “right” or “understood” does not bring blessing, only more strife and conflict.  Quietly listening (way difficult as it is sometimes) allows room for the Holy Spirit to bring peace.  I then need to RUN to Jesus and pour out anything (feelings of anger, frustration, isolation, injustice, being misunderstood, abandoned, pressured ) that’s been stirred up.  He is the faithful Bearer of my burdens; the pain and guilt I suffer by being a wounded being in a broken world.  He’s always there to welcome and embrace me.  He understands me.  He never condemns me or scolds me.  He offers only revelation and comfort.  He loves me.  He gives me rest.   

Isaiah 53 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 spell out what God’s Love is like; the love that suffers long, doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, stays quiet in the face of provocation, is generous, humble and kind.  The love that Jesus lived while He was here on earth.

Becoming That Kind of Love is what we all were created for and what every person longs to receive.

The promise                                         Isaiah 53:10-12

“Yet the Lord took thought for His oppressed servant and healed Him who had given Himself as a sacrifice for sin.

He will enjoy long life and see His children’s children, and in His hand the Lord’s purpose will prosper.

By His humiliation my servant will justify many; after His suffering He will see light and be satisfied;

it is their guilt He bears.

Therefore, I shall allot Him a portion with the great,and He will share the spoil with the mighty, because He exposed Himself to death and was reckoned among transgressors, for He bore the sin of many and interceded for transgressors.”

As I obey His Word while making Him my refuge and hiding place, I will become His Love.  I’m progressivelyly being healed of my own woundedness which enables me to stand tall, strong and unscathed in the presence of abuse, rejection, humiliation, ridicule and misunderstanding.   And,  in my hand “the Lord’s purpose will prosper”.

As each of us, His children, obey and run…………….we will be unique answers to Jesus’ prayer and promise:

“The glory which you gave me I have given to them, that they may be one, as we are one; I in them and You in Me, may they be perfectly one.  Then the world will know that You sent Me, and that You loved them as You loved Me.”  John 17:22

We are blessed!

It’s been a long time since I’ve visited this site. Today I want to write.

This morning, after a time of speaking out the yearnings of my heart; to be more like Him, to listen and obey more quickly, to be of use in bringing His kingdom to my world, the Spirit took me to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

“Weak and human we may be” is the way it begins (and yes, I am ever so weak and human), “but that does not dictate the way we fight our battles. The weapons we wield are not merely human, but strong enough with God’s power to demolish strongholds. We demolish sophistries and anything that rears its proud head against the knowledge of God. We compel every human thought to surrender in obedience to Christ.”

I decided to look at Ephesians 6:10-18 to read again about the spiritual weapons we wield and, on the way, my attention was drawn to Galations 5:22: “But the harvest of the Spirit is love, joy peace patience, kindness, goodness. fidelity, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

What if the way we get to the harvest of the Spirit is by merely putting on the spiritual armour provided ? Think about it.

The first piece of the armour is the belt of truth.

Here’s the truth:

I am loved by my heavenly Father. Unconditionally

I am cherished. Always

I am beloved. Despite anything

I belong to Him.   Forever

I am assured of my value because Jesus came to earth and died for me.

For me.

So much more affirmational truth in His Word about His love for me.

This is what I need to believe.

This is what I need to know.

His love for me is what I need to focus on. All the time.

Not on my failings.

Not on my mistakes.

Not on my pain.

Because if I’m not certain of His love for me, I’m in big trouble.

How can I trust that His armour will protect me if I don’t know He loves me?

How can I trust that following His Word is meant to protect me if I don’t know He loves me?

And He does love me.   Jesus proved that on the cross.

Thank you, thank you, Lord Jesus.  I love you

(Just noticed the date on this post is January 4, but this is written the evening of January 3.  Guess I’m only entitled to one blog a day.)

Wow!  Didn’t think “another chance” might come so soon.  Ken and I in Seattle today for a funeral.  Went into a Starbucks for him to get coffee.  Raggedy man holding dvd “Blade Runner” walking into Starbucks clearly looking for help of some kind.  I felt the Holy Spirit’s nudge.  Woman sitting at a table reading “Jesus Calling”.  I was standing beside the table hoping to make eye contact and say that I had found the morning’s reading particularly apros pos (as often happens), but she didn’t look up.  Didn’t want to be too intrusive, so just quietly stood there as the man came up to me and mumbled something.  I asked him to repeat what he said and he asked for “change”.  I said I didn’t have any and then he asked if I had a dollar or two or three and I didn’t.  However, I told him I would go out to the car and get something.

He was sitting at a table when I returned.  I asked his name (Antoine) and if he was hungry or thirsty.  He said, “no” that he wasn’t feeling very well.  (There was a distinctive smell of alcohol on his breath)  He had the same sad, hopeless aura as the man in San Fransisco.  Mumbled when he talked.  I gave him a bit of money and asked if I could pray with him.

We moved to a table outside so he could get some air.

There was absolutely no fear, my friends!!!  No fear of what “people might think” as I sat with him telling him how much Jesus and God loves him.  How I knew that my small contribution of money won’t really change anything for him.  How God wants only good for him.  How he was made for much higher things than he knows or has experienced.  And then the Holy Spirit prayed through me for Antoine.  After the prayer he thanked me, shook my hand, said there was a church nearby and that he might go.  

I must admit, it isn’t exactly comforting when people say they might go to church.  In many churches there’s precious little tolerance for someone like him, much less unconditional love and acceptance.  Oh, Lord, if he goes, please let someone love him like You do. 

Oh, pure grace to give me a chance so soon after my S.F. disobedience.   God is so wonderful.  Thank you, Father, for showing me again how beautiful it is to flow with your Spirit.

Come, Holy Spirit.  Wake/shake up the body of Christ so that we live our lives in Your flow, according to Your will, Your Word.  So many lamps to be lit.  So much salt to add flavor to life.  So much water to quench the thirst of those running around in darkness.  Be Thou our vision.

Good words from January 1.


“They go from strength to strength.  Psalm 84:7

“First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.”  Mark 4:28


Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,

As the swift seasons roll!

Leave thy low-vaulted past!

Let each newer temple, nobler than the last,

Till thou at length art free,

Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea.”  O.W. Holmes


“High hearts are never long without hearing some new call, some distant clarion of God, even in their dreams; and soon they are observed to break up the camp of ease, and start on some fresh march of faithful service.  And, looking higher still, we find those who never wait till their moral work accumulates, and who reward resolution with no rest; with whom, therefore, the alternation is instantaneous and constant; who do the good only to see the better, and see the better only to achieve it; who are too meek for transport, too faithful for remorse, too earnest for repose; whose worship is action, and whose action is ceaseless aspiration.”   J. Martineau


Dearest Lord, may Thy kingdom come in me today.  Thank you for the knowledge that You call me only to receive and extend blessing; to be available to be a conduit for the Love that can comes only from You.



How much do you love Me

The San Fransisco MUNI stopped, lowered the ramp and, presently, a wheelchair was lifted to the level of the rest of us who were already seated. In the wheelchair was a filthy man in a filthy pauncho with the hood over his bowed head, eyes looking down–never once looking around–, ankles swollen in too-tight shoes, one hand bent in toward the wrist, the reek of urine so strong that people actually got up and moved as far back as they could in order to distance themselves from him.

There was an aura of hopelessness and shame surrounding him that seemed to come from awareness of himself as a thing to evoke pity/disgust/rejection. It wasn’t my imagination. I’m sure of that. He wanted to disappear. My heart felt like it was breaking and I wanted to cry. Ken and I were seated across from him and I experienced an almost overwhelming compulsion to go over to him. Almost.

Was God serious? What would/could I do? What would I say? People would think I was crazy. Ken would be humiliated and horrified.

The almost-overwhelming-compulsion; the prompting of the Holy Spirit continued.

Oh, dear.

It was our stop. I hadn’t moved.

“He grew up before the Lord like a young plant whose roots are in parched ground; He had no beauty , no majesty to catch our eyes, no grace to attract us to Him.

He was despised, shunned by all, pain-racked and afflicted by disease; we despised Him, we held Him of no account, an object from which people turn away their eyes.” Isaiah 53:2-3

Oh, no.

Later the same day while walking to the light rail station in the airport we passed an older lady walking with a cane pulling a piece of luggage. She walked as though she was tired and might not be exactly sure of where she was going. I wanted to run to her and ask if I could help in any way.

But…….Ken was up ahead and eager to get going. I almost turned around again. But……..Ken was further ahead and eager to get going.

I didn’t turn. I didn’t run back.

Oh, no. Not again.

My Jesus has forgiven me. But I have no idea what the consequences of my disobedience were for those two precious “little ones”. Matthew 25:45

I had missed an opportunity to cooperate with the Sovereign God of the universe to give them hope. To lift them up. To bless them. He had entreated me to reject human ways of perceiving and to see through the eyes of their Creator; the One Who loves them beyond all comprehension. To offer at least a glimpse of His unconditional Love.

There will be a “next time”.  No question about that.

And, I pray that next time He says “How much do you love me?”, I will obey.

“Be sure to bear in mind this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on earth below; there is no other.  You must keep His statutes and His commands which I give you today; so that all will be well with you and with your children after you, and you will enjoy long life in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for all time.”  Deuteronomy 4:39, 40

The longer I live, the more I understand the truth of these words in Deuteronomy.  It’s clear that we as a species continue to suffer the consequences of being ignorant of Who God is, the knowledge that He is ultimately, forever, Trustworthy.  Knowledge that would convince us that instructions given in His Word are FOR US; for health, happiness, peace, prosperity, security, fulfillment.

As the world increasingly comes unravelled, families disintegrate, relationships come unglued, separation turns into seemingly-intractable isolation, the world needs to know who God really is.  God who loves enough to have given His Word for protection, covering, healing, restoration, truth about who we are and what we are here for.

And today is Friday, the day we can prepare to receive the gift of weekly rest; the Sabbath.  In obedience to His fourth commandment, all 10 of which were given for our benefit.  In a few hours we enter into the 24 hr. space in time created to remind us that the “Lord is God in heaven above and on earth below; there is no other”. 

The day we have more time to appreciate Jesus, our spiritual Rest, Saviour, Deliverer, Word made flesh who became our brother.

The day we can receive from Him in a way especially enjoyed by those who trust that He is good and knows, above all, how to bless.

Shabbat Shalom

I can see that this may become routine.

Today in mom’s devotional book:

“My sons (and daughters), let no time be lost; for the Lord has chosen you to serve Him and to minister to Him, to be His ministers and to offer sacrifices”  2 Chronicles 29:11

“Bright be my prospect as I pass along;–And ardent service at the cost of all,–Love by untiring ministry made strong, And ready for the softest call.”

A.L. Waring

“There are many things that appear trifles, which greatly tend to enervate the soul, and hinder its progress in the path to virtue and glory.  The habit of indulging in things which our judgment cannot thoroughly approve, grows stronger and stronger by every act of self-gratification, and we are led on by degrees to an excess of luxury which must greatly weaken our hands in the spiritual warfare.  If we do not endeavor to do that which is right in every particular circumstance, though trifling, we shall be in great danger of letting the same negligence take place in matters more essential.”

Margaret Woods

“The will can only be made submissive by frequent self-denials, which must keep in subjection its sallies and inclinations. Great weakness is often produced by indulgences which seem of no importance.”    

M. de Molinos

And how those “little things” present themselves as I order and re-order priorities along with a myriad of other decisions throughout the day.  I’ve found that the choices really matter in pursuit of the Spirit-led life.

When I’m trying to get out the door to get somewhere on time (for some reason, one of the huge hurdles in my life) I’ve started to practice letting that bed go unmade, that clean, folded towel stay where it is on the stair railing, the dishes stay in the sink or on the counter instead of doing that “one more thing”.  To give my full attention to the person who calls in the middle of a meal.  To give my full attention to someone who is talking to me about things I don’t find particularly interesting and really listen for the spiritual subtext.

The hard decision about whether or not to eat that one-more-bite-of-whatever.

I’m trying to be more responsive to the Spirit in the moment.  To be faithful.  To be obedient.  To be disciplined.  Even when it’s inconvenient.

Even when it’s kind of intimidating.

Like the phone call I felt the Spirit impressing me to make at 7:15 this morning to someone I don’t really know.   Yikes!

“But, Lord.  What if I wake them up?”

“Do you fear the displeasure of people more than you desire to be obedient to Me?”

“Well………..  Well………….  Okay, no,  not this time.  Okay, I’ll look up the number and pick up the phone.”

It was the right decision.

“Thank you, Lord.”

“My pleasure, Annie.”


And so it goes.

Blessings and faithfulness in the little things.

Thanksgiving is a theme I’ve been surrounded by lately.  I’m part of a women’s prayer group (which is beyond wonderful) and this morning our topic of discussion, prior to prayer, was thanksgiving.  Which naturally progressed into contemplation of the love of God and how we best communicate this love.  Colossians 3:12-17 was one of the passages of Scripture we read.  Wearing even one of the “garments” spoken of has an impact for good.

This evening I picked up my mom’s devotional book again, and this is what I read:

“I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn thee.”  Jeremiah 31:3

          “On the great love of God I lean, Love of the Infinite, Unseen, With nought of heaven or earth between

                                    This God is mine, and I am His;   His love is all I need of bliss.”  H. Bonar

“If ever human love was tender, and self-sacrificing, and devoted; if ever it could bear and forbear; if ever it could suffer gladly for its loved ones; if ever it was willing to pour itself out in a lavish abandonment for the comfort or pleasure of its objects; then infinitely more is Divine love tender, and self-sacrificing, and devoted, and glad to bear and forbear, and to suffer, and to lavish its best of gifts and blessings upon the objects of its love.  Put together all the tenderest love you know of, the deepest you have ever felt, and the strongest that has ever been poured out upon you, and heap upon it all the love of all the loving human hearts in the world, and then multiply it by infinity, and you will begin, perhaps, to have some faint glompse of what the love of God is.”     H.W. Smith

God, grant my desire to be thankful in all circumstances.  To remember that in love you provide extravagantly to bring meaning, peace, joy and blessing to every dimension of the human experience.  To practice wearing the garments spoken of in Colossians 3 and through the power of your Holy Spirit, to find ways to communicate love in ways that are perceived as loving.

This is today’s reading from a devotional book entitled “Daily Strength for Daily Needs” that belonged to my mother.  Someone gave it to her in 1945.  What a legacy of trusting faith she left to me.

“The Lord who has been mindful of us will bless us,

He will bless the house of Israel,

He will bless the house of Jacob.”     Psalm 115:12

        “My Father!  what am I, that all Thy mercies sweet like sunlight fall So constant o’er my way?  That Thy great love should shelter me, And guide my steps so tenderly Through every changing day?”  anon.

“What a strength and spring of life, what hope and trust, what glad, unresting energy, is in this one thought,——to serve Him who is ‘my Lord’, ever near me, ever looking on; seeing my intentions before He beholds my failures; knowing my desires before He sees my faults; cheering me to endeavor greater things, and yet accepting the least; inviting my poor service, and yet, above all, content with my poorer love.  Let us try to realize this, whatsoever, wheresoever we be.  The humblest and the simplest, the weakest and the most encumbered,  may love Him not less than the busiest and strongest, the most gifted and laborious.  If our heart be clear before Him; if He be to us our chief and sovereign choice, dear above all, and beyond all desired; then all else matters little.  That which concerneth us He will perfect in stillness and in power.”      H.E. Manning

And so we rest in His grace which is sufficient , His strength made perfect in our weakness 2 Corinthians 12:9, His ability and desire to bring us safely into His presence with great joy Philippians 1:6, Jude 1:24.


Thursday, November 24, 2011


I’m thankful for this new day that’s different from all others before it.I’m thankful for the opportunities to bless others this day in ways that are familiar and ways that are new.

I’m thankful for my husband, my daughters, my son-in-law, my grandson, my friends who add immeasurable richness to my life. Each one so beautiful and unique.

I’m thankful for my kitties, Patchy Noodle and Rosie Clinic

I’m thankful for the world I live in. The big, beautiful world with millions of species of flowers of every imaginable color and shape, the trees, rocks, animals, water, fish with the same magnitude of variety.

I’m thankful to know that the God of the universe, the Creator God, loves me. Little me. Values me. even me.

I’m thankful for Jesus, most of all, whose life, death and resurrection shows me the truth about my Heavenly Father.

I’m thankful for His Holy Spirit who teaches, illuminates, comforts, guides, disciplines, fills, so that my spirit overflows with gratitude, joy and peace.

I’m thankful for God’s Word that gives counsel for every situation and always speaks the truth in love

I’m thankful for the angels who, although unseen, surround me with the atmosphere of heaven

And, so much more. But that’s a start. My desire is that I will acknowledge and express Thanksgiving to God, my Heavenly Father, throughout each day of the year.

If you’re reading this, my prayer for you is that you will stop. Close your eyes. Think about what you have to be thankful for. An exercise in focusing on what’s eternally real. Blessings.

Posted by Annie at 10:07 AM